MEES Exemptions

MEES exemptions | Fading Footprints 

Provider of MEES Exemption Certificates and Improving EPC Certificate Ratings


What are the MEES exemptions?


Landlords will be exempt from having to comply with MEES and continue to let F & G rated properties if any of the following applies:


  • Buildings which are not legally required to have an EPC
  • Buildings let on leases or tenancies under 6 months OR over 99 years
  • If all relevant improvements don’t improve the rating above an F or G
  • If no improvements can be made to achieve an E rating or better
  • If the improvements do not meet the 7 year payback rule
    • Where an independent assessor determines that all cost-effective energy efficiency improvements have been made to the property or that improvements that could be made but have not been made would not pay for themselves through energy savings within seven years.
  • If you cannot get consent to make the improvements
    • Where consent to undertake works is refused by a third party, such as a Local Authority or an incumbent tenant
  • If the improvements will devalue the property by more than 5%
    • Where an independent surveyor provides written advice that the energy efficiency improvements would result in a devaluation of the property by 5% or more, or that the works would damage the property.
  • If you have been a landlord for less than 6 months

E Rating or Exemption

We can get your property to an ‘E’ rating or exempt  >>>find out more

We can help!

How long do exemptions Last?

Exemptions last for 5 years and must be registered on the central Government PRS Exemptions Register.

MEES exemption 5 years

Enforcement & Penalties

The regulations will be enforced by Trading Standards Officers. Penalties will be based on the rateable value of the property, up to a maximum of £150,000, per occasion.

MEES exemption

What Next?

Given the risks to landlords it is clear that a full understanding of energy efficiency is required for your property assets, in order to see if you are meeting the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards. 

Fading Footprints can assess your property’s energy efficiency and work with you to achieve the Standards quickly and cost effectively.

>>>Contact us

We can get your property to an ‘E’ rating 

We specialise in uplifting properties to an ‘E’ rating or above at minimal cost.  >>>find out more

PRS Register

More information about MEES exemptions can be found on the Government PRS Register

Find out more about MEES

So what is the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES)? Does it apply to me? What do I need to do?

Have a question? Want to know more? Get in touch…