Display Energy Certificate (DEC)
All you need to know…

So what is a Display Energy Certificate? Do I need one? When do they expire?
We supply hundreds of Display Energy Certificates (DECs) every year to Schools, Universities, Colleges, Libraries, Leisure Centres and other public buildings so it’s fair to say we are a bit of a whizz at it.
However if Display Energy Certificates (DECs) aren’t your thing here are some questions and answers that’ll soon turn you pro…
What is a Display Energy Certificate (DEC)?
A DEC (Display Energy Certificate) shows the energy performance of a building. This is calculated using the buildings actual energy consumption data over the last 12 month period.
The building is then rated on a scale from A to G. Where A is the most energy efficient (lowest CO2 emissions) and G is least energy efficient (highest CO2 emissions).
Does my building need a Display Energy Certificate (DEC)?
Most public buildings that have a total useful floor area of over 250m2 require a Display Energy Certificate (DEC). Generally this includes most Schools, Colleges, Universities, Hospitals, Libraries, Museums, Bus & Train Stations etc.
When do Display Energy Certificates (DEC) expire?
Display Energy Certificates (DECs) are valid for 12 months. After this a new DEC will need to be calculated based on the previous 12 months energy consumption. For smaller buildings (with a useful floor area of under 100m2) the Display Energy Certificate will be valid for 10 years.
What information do you need to calculate a Display Energy Certificate (DEC)?
To calculate a Display Energy Certificate (DEC) we need the buildings energy consumption data for the last 12 month period. This includes electricity and gas data plus oil and coal if applicable. This data can be obtained from energy bills and your energy company provider. If required, Fading Footprints can obtain this information on your behalf.
What is an advisory report?
An advisory report accompanies the Display Energy Certificate (DEC) and contains recommendations for improving the energy performance of the building. This may contain a range of possible improvements that may be implemented to improve the energy performance of the building. They are valid for 7-10 depending on the size of the building.
Displaying your Display Energy Certificate (DEC)
Once you have your Display Energy Certificate (DEC) this needs to be placed in a prominent place which is clearly visible to the public.
Instruct your Display Energy Certificate (DEC) today
Contact us today to instruct your Display Energy Certificate DEC. We are a friendly bunch and can offer any helpful advice and assistance needed.

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